About Jonathan


Hello! My name is Jonathan Huang and I’m a Propulsion Engineer, Raptor Components Manufacturing at SpaceX and Mechanical Engineering alumni from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).

Previously, I’ve been a Propulsion Intern, Raptor Components Manufacturing at SpaceX, Power Electronics Manufacturing Engineering Intern at Rivian, R&D and Mechanical Engineering Intern at simplehuman. At UCLA, I was very involved in Formula SAE, where I was Technical Director for my team, Bruin Formula Racing, during my fourth year. I was also an instructor for UCLA’s Engineering 96G: Go Karts course and an Undergraduate Researcher at the UCLA Mechatronics and Controls Lab. In high school and middle school, I was heavily involved in VEX and FIRST Robotics.

Each engineering opportunity I’ve had has allowed me to grow my skillset and real-world experience. Outside of engineering, I love playing tennis and spikeball, biking, off-roading, photography, and staying up to date on consumer electronics.

If you have any questions about my work or would like to get in contact with me, my email and socials are below. Thank you for visiting!
